Drum Roll Please…
After a year of soul searching and months of research, training, and brand building I'd like to welcome you to Encompass Parent Solutions! Working with parents one-on-one is a passion of mine and I know my years of working in public relations will be put to good use in this new role. I’ve worked with countless experts, disability advocates, media, influencers, and non-profit and government leaders in Special Education over the years. Now it's time to pay it forward and put this expertise to work for other parents and their kids to help create their own unique path to success.
I will be providing non-legal parent advocacy, support, and education counsel for families of kids with learning disabilities and ADHD. As a fierce parent advocate for my two kids over the past 10 years, I have dedicated countless hours to supporting other families in my community as they navigate the complicated world of Special Education. I’ve hosted countless parent support groups and presented at schools and PTO meetings, etc., all to connect with families so they can find the resources they need for their kids to thrive. Now I am proud to have the space to shape and build a community to help break down the barriers in education and create a new unique path to success for those who learn differently.
**I can’t wait to get started!** Please connect with me on social, or email me at danielle@encompassparent.com to learn how we can work together to tell a new story for your child.